1 min read

Lessons in Management from Daniel Goleman

Lessons in Management from Daniel Goleman

Renowned psychologist Daniel Goleman brought the concept of emotional intelligence into the mainstream with his 1995 bestseller "Emotional Intelligence". His research revealed that qualities like self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and social skills are just as critical as cognitive abilities for outstanding leadership and performance. What can managers learn from Goleman's insights?

Know Your Emotions

Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Goleman stressed that managers who understand their own emotions, motivations and tendencies are better equipped to control impulses and adapt their style to demands. Honest self-reflection allows managers to play to their strengths while improving weaker areas.

Regulate Your Emotions

Managers set the tone, so Goleman urged developing self-management skills like emotional self-control, transparency, adaptability and initiative. Keeping disruptive emotions like anger or anxiety in check prevents negative ripple effects throughout an organization. Staying composed under stress or criticism is essential.

Read Emotions in Others

Socially aware managers are empathetic, attentive to emotional cues, and experts at listening. They build rapport and trust by understanding others’ perspectives and responding appropriately. Goleman found empathy absolutely critical for retaining talent and getting the best from people.

Hone Interpersonal Skills

Relationship management entails inspiring and influencing others effectively. Goleman said stellar communicators who can provide constructive feedback, manage conflict and promote cooperation are more apt to drive results. Managers need to be coaches, not just taskmasters.

Goleman proved that analytical and technical excellence only goes so far without emotional intelligence. Managers who focus on building self-mastery, empathy and rapport create the conditions for organizations to thrive in every sense.

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